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Showing posts from August, 2018

Introduction to MySQL Stored Procedures

A stored procedure is a segment of declarative SQL statements stored inside the database catalog. A stored procedure can be invoked by triggers, other stored procedures, and applications such as Java, Python, PHP. In a simple language its classes for the sql and we can use this for long term goal A stored procedure that calls itself is known as a recursive stored procedure. Most database management systems support recursive stored procedures. However, MySQL does not support it very well. You should check your version of MySQL database before implementing recursive stored procedures in MySQL. Stored Procedures in MySQL MySQL is known as the most popular open source RDBMS which is widely used by both community and enterprise. However, during the first decade of its existence, it did not support stored procedures, stored functions, triggers, and events. Since MySQL version 5.0, those features were added to the MySQL database engine to mak...

What is Phalcon?

What is Phalcon?? What is Phalcon Phalcon is developed by group of developers where  Andres Gutierrez  was their team head. Phalcon is an open-source framework of PHP programming language. It is based on Module View Controller (MVC) pattern. Phalcon is the first framework that implements ORM in C-programming language. Phalcon Application Structure Phalcon key feature is that it is a loosely coupled framework. Phalcon allows user to build project with a directory structure that is convenient for specific application. It follows MVC and has "Standard Structure". Phalcon has the following directory structure for a project: //structure layout Application:  It contains the config, controllers and views resource folder. This directory defines all the functionality of an application. It consists of vital scripts and files which runs on the server. Configuration:  It defines the configuration properties of the application. It consists of four files: ...

PHP Vs Python In 2019

PHP and Python are the popular high-level programming languages which have a strong open source background and also provide comprehensive design documentation. The major difference between PHP and Python is that PHP is broadly used for web development whereas Python is a general-purpose full-stack programming language. PHP is a server-side scripting language, in contrast, Python is an object-oriented scripting language. Content: PHP Vs Python Comparison Chart Definition Key Differences Conclusion Comparison Chart BASIS FOR COMPARISON PHP PYTHON Popularity and availability. More prevalent and exist in many systems. Less popular as compared to PHP. Readability PHP is not much maintainable as compared to python. The maintainability and change acquirement of Python is very good. Security Offers fewer security features. More secure. Functional features Functional programming is not provided. Functional programming techniques are possible. Definition of PHP ...