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Build chatbot with node js and react js

User Experience is given a lot of attention while building any application these days. More and more brands are leveraging chatbots to service their customers, market their brand, and even sell their products.

There are a lot of awesome tools out there which helps in building an intelligent bot very easily like Google’s DialogFlow, Amazon Lex, etc, most of which implement their own Natural Language Processing (NLP) logic. However, in some cases, we don’t really need an intelligent bot.
Whenever we have a small application having a limited set of options to choose from, it’s not really necessary to use NLP based tools like Google’s DialogFlow. You need to integrate with them (which is pretty easy though), and you need to make a network call to get the results. Instead, you would want to define your rules locally in those cases. Here we will build a simple chatbot using React Simple Chatbot library and add it to our pizza-builder app using which we can build our own customized pizza through a chatbot assistant. The final project will look like below:

Getting Started

React Simple Chatbot is a simple library which provides us a Chatbot component to which we can pass the flow of the conversation as props. Also, we can customize the styling of the chatbot. Let’s get started with this by diving into the code.
Clone the code from (Make sure you are working on the master branch). Install the chatbot library with the following command:
npm install react-simple-chatbot styled-components --save
styled-components is one of the dependencies of react-simple-chatbot without which it will fail. For more info, read here
Create a Chatbot component /src/components/chatbot/CustomChatbot.js
import React from "react";
import ChatBot from "react-simple-chatbot";function CustomChatbot(props) {  const steps = [
       id: "Greet",
       message: "Hello, Welcome to our shop",
       trigger: "Done"
       id: "Done",
       message: "Have a great day !!",
       end: true
    ];  return <ChatBot steps={steps} />;
}export default CustomChatbot;
Include this component in your Pizza component
import React, { Component } from "react";
import "./Pizza.css";..... Rest of the code .....import CustomChatbot from "./chatbot/CustomChatbot";class Pizza extends Component {..... Rest of the code .....
   return (
        <div className="container mt-5">           ...... Rest of the code .....           <CustomChatbot />
}export default Pizza;
Start the application with npm start. You will get a chat window on the bottom left of your screen like this:

React Chatbot Window

If you want to resize your chatbot and want to make it collapsible, you can pass width, height, and floating property as props to the component.
function CustomChatbot(props) {
   const config = {
     width: "300px",
     height: "400px",
     floating: true
   };   const steps = [
       id: "Greet",
       message: "Hello, Welcome to our shop",
       trigger: "Done"
       id: "Done",
       message: "Have a great day !!",
       end: true
   return <ChatBot steps={steps} {...config} />;
  }  export default CustomChatbot;
Now you will see a collapsible element on the right bottom of the page. On clicking that, the chat window will open

Chatbot component (collapsible) on the bottom right — Before clicking
Chatbot component (collapsible) on the bottom right — After clicking


const steps = [
      id: "Greet",
      message: "Hello, Welcome to our shop",
      trigger: "Done"
      id: "Done",
      message: "Have a great day !!",
      end: true
Currently, steps array in CustomChatbot component has two JSON objects. These JSON objects will represent the flow of the conversation.
  • id: identifier of the current step. It can be a string or a number. But I will recommend string as it’s more descriptive and if we decided to add a step in between, we don’t have to change the numbering. Required for any step
In our case, in step Greet we are displaying the message “Hello, Welcome to our shop” and then calling the Done step in the trigger. In Done step, we are displaying the message “Have a great day !!” and then ending the conversation with “end: true”. Let’s make this conversation more interactive.
const steps = [
     id: "Greet",
     message: "Hello, Welcome to our shop",
     trigger: "Ask Name"
     id: "Ask Name",
     message: "Please type your name?",
     trigger: "Waiting user input for name"
     id: "Waiting user input for name",
     user: true,
     trigger: "Asking options to eat"
     id: "Asking options to eat",
     message: "Hi {previousValue}, Glad to know you !!",
     trigger: "Done"
     id: "Done",
     message: "Have a great day !!",
     end: true
  • user: if true indicates that bot have to wait for a user type action
Here, we are Greeting the user in the first step and then asking for a name in the second step. In the third step, the conversation is halted and it’s waiting for user response. As the user enters the name, it will be stored in previousValue variable which will be available in the next step. Then in the fourth step, the bot is again greeting the user with their name that we got from the previous step and in the fifth step, the conversation ends.

Let’s add an “option” feature where a list of options will be displayed and based on what the user selects, the next steps will be configured.
 id: "Displaying options to eat",
 options: [
        value: "pizza",
        label: "Pizza",
        trigger: "Asking for Tomatoes in Pizza"
        value: "burger",
        label: "Burger",
        trigger: "Burger Not available"
  • options: list of options for the user to chose from, need to click on the option. Every option in the list is a JSON with three attributes
  id: "Displaying options to eat",
  options: [
             { value: "pizza",label: "Pizza",trigger: () => {
                    console.log("Clicked on Pizza");
                    return "Asking for Tomatoes in Pizza";                                                               
             { value: "burger",label: "Burger",trigger: () => {
                    console.log("Clicked on Burger");
                    return "Burger Not available";                                                               

Complete Conversation

Lets now add the complete conversation for the application
const steps = [
           id: "Greet",
           message: "Hello, Welcome to our shop",
           trigger: "Ask Name"
        },        {
           id: "Ask Name",
           message: "Please type your name?",
           trigger: "Waiting user input for name"
        },        {
           id: "Waiting user input for name",
           user: true,
           trigger: "Asking options to eat"
        },        {
           id: "Asking options to eat",
           message: "Hi {previousValue}, Please click on what you
                     want to eat!",
           trigger: "Displaying options to eat"
        },        {
           id: "Displaying options to eat",
           options: [
                        value: "pizza",
                        label: "Pizza",
                        trigger: "Asking for Tomatoes in Pizza"
                        value: "burger",
                        label: "Burger",
                        trigger: "Burger Not available"
        },        {
           id: "Burger Not available",
           message: "Sorry, We don't have burger available at the
                     moment. Would you like to try our pizza?",
           trigger: "Asking for pizza after burger"
        },        {
           id: "Asking for pizza after burger",
           options: [
                        value: true,
                        label: "Yes",
                        trigger: "Asking for Tomatoes in Pizza"
                        value: "false",
                        label: "No",
                        trigger: "Done"
        },        {
           id: "Asking for Tomatoes in Pizza",
           message: "Would you like to have tomatoes in your pizza",
           trigger: "Adding Tomatoes in Pizza"
        },        {
           id: "Adding Tomatoes in Pizza",
           options: [
                        value: true,
                        label: "Yes",
                        trigger: () => {
                           return "Asking for Mushroom in Pizza"  
                        value: "false",
                        label: "No",
                        trigger: "Asking for Mushroom in Pizza"
           id: "Asking for Mushroom in Pizza",
           message: "Would you like to have mushroom in your pizza",
           trigger: "Adding Mushroom in Pizza"
           id: "Adding Mushroom in Pizza",
           options: [
                        value: true,
                        label: "Yes",
                        trigger: () => {
                           return "Asking for Corn in Pizza"  
                        value: "false",
                        label: "No",
                        trigger: "Asking for Corn in Pizza"
        },        {
           id: "Asking for Corn in Pizza",
           message: "Would you like to have corn in your pizza",
           trigger: "Adding Corn in Pizza"
           id: "Adding Corn in Pizza",
           options: [
                        value: true,
                        label: "Yes",
                        trigger: () => {
                           return "Asking for Veggies in Pizza"  
                        value: "false",
                        label: "No",
                        trigger: "Asking for Veggies in Pizza"
           id: "Asking for Veggies in Pizza",
           message: "Would you like to have veggies in your pizza",
           trigger: "Adding Veggies in Pizza"
           id: "Adding Veggies in Pizza",
           options: [
                        value: true,
                        label: "Yes",
                        trigger: () => {
                           return "Done"  
                        value: "false",
                        label: "No",
                        trigger: "Done"
        },        {
            id: "Done",
            message: "Have a great day !!",
            end: true
In Pizza component, pass clickEventHandler as props to Chatbot component
<CustomChatbot eventHandler={this.clickEventHandler} />

Looks complex? Yes, but it’s really easy to follow. Let’s break it down:
  • In step Greet, Chatbot will display the greeting message on the window


Styles can be added to the chatbot like window color, font size, font-family, etc. We need to import ThemeProvider from “styled-components” library and wrap our Chatbot inside this like the following:
import React from "react";
import ChatBot from "react-simple-chatbot";
import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";function CustomChatbot(props) {
    ..... Rest of the code .....
    const theme = {
         background: "white",
         fontFamily: "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",
         headerBgColor: "#00B2B2",
         headerFontColor: "#fff",
         headerFontSize: "25px",
         botBubbleColor: "#00B2B2",
         botFontColor: "#fff",
         userBubbleColor: "#fff",
         userFontColor: "#4c4c4c"
        };  ..... Rest of the code .....   return (
      <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
         <ChatBot steps={steps} {...config} />
The application can be further improved. Currently, buttons for adding ingredients are still active. It can be disabled while we are adding ingredients through the chatbot. I will leave that for the readers to implement

Congratulations, you have successfully build a chatbot on React which should be functioning like the video posted at the starting. The final codebase can be found at this git link: (git branch: pizza-builder-with-chatbot)
Thanks a lot for reading the article. If you have questions, feel free to comment down below.
